Friday, April 27, 2012

Sacraments 'R' US

 Church ministry is never dull, especially at St. Joan of Arc in April! Literally over 360 students and their families will have celebrated either First Communion or Confirmation here this month. If we were listed on the New York Stock Exchange, we could be called, Sacraments 'R' Us.

Do you ever wonder how so many students and families are prepared for these special sacramental milestones?  One way to visualize this is to think of  all the families, dedicated volunteers, staff and clergy as threads of a skillful weaving which becomes a beautiful tapestry.

Today I'd like to focus on the PSR  staff members who behind the scenes are the strong threads that form this fabric for God's tapestry. Their contributions are special signs of  God's presence among us. 

Many of the colorful threads for the tapestry are the 350 + volunteers which are coordinated by director, Emily Winner along with top notch administrative staff; Mary Jo Newell, Judy Komenda, Cindy Guzak and dedicated coordinators; Jeanne Hayslip - preschool, Laura Sams - elementary, Susan Fox - middle school, and Michael Barone - high school youth group.   This team is composed  of 4 full time and 4 part time staff members. They weave prayer, education, community, and outreach together for the 1,800 + PSR (Parish School of Religion) children and their families to celebrate the sacraments and live their faith.

The visible thread that connects the weaving is obviously our ordained clergy; Pastor, Fr. Raymond Larussa, Associate Pastor, Fr. Jeffrey Tigyer, Weekend Celebrants; Emeritus Bishop James Griffin, Retired Founding Pastor George Schlegel, Deacons Tom Berg Sr., James Rouse, Michael Ross and Ben Muhlenkamp (deacon from the Josephinum who will be ordained in his home diocese soon). Their efforts are seamlessly supported by Eloise Carlet, sacristan coordinator and staff member,  whose efforts ensure that everyone and everything is in place for each sacramental celebration. This is quite an amazing feat given the numerous events at St. Joan of Arc.

The finishing touch for this tapestry is God's love which binds us together. It encourages each of us to contribute to this tapestry by becoming active members. One great way to participate in this large parish is to join Growing In Faith Together (GIFT), small faith sharing communities, it helps make this large parish more personal.   For more information please contact Pete Shears 614-888-1562 or Romy Riebe 614-885-9450.

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