Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A busy few weeks...

This has been a busy few weeks for our music program.  The Funeral for Captain Rozanski was followed up with two busy First Communion Masses (congratulations to the 222 children who received their First Holy Communion!).

This week, our music program says goodbye to a good friend in John Orban.  John had been a member of the St. Joan of Arc Choir for many years.  May his soul and all of the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of our God, rest in peace.

Tomorrow many choir members will gather to sing at John's Funeral Mass, please keep them, John, and his family in your prayers.

This weekend our parish celebrates the Sacrament of Confirmation.  Our choir will be singing many of our Easter anthems at the Choral Mass for Confirmation which will be at 10am.  This is an exciting time for our young people - keep them in your prayers.

This Sunday at the 9am Mass our Jr. Choristers Children's Choir sings their first Mass alone!  This group of children in kindergarten through second grade are very excited to spread their vocal wings and sing without their older counterpart (The Choristers Children's Choir, grades 3-8).  Come out and hear these young voices sing hymns of praise to Almighty God.

At the 10:45 Mass this weekend, our Handbell Choir will play their final Mass of the year (other than the Pentecost Outdoor Mass).  The Bell Choir has come a long way this year and we are very hopeful for the future of our handbell program as it continues to expand and become more advanced.

At the 5:30pm Mass on Sunday evening, our choir will lead the music.  This is the last 5:30pm Choral Mass of the year.

The following weekend (May 6th), our principal organist Val is away and I'll be playing at the full litany of Masses... and there's a concert Sunday evening.  See the bulletin this Sunday for more exciting details as The Columbus International Children's Choir comes to St. Joan of Arc for their Spring Concert at 7pm on May 6th.

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