Friday, April 27, 2012
Sacraments 'R' US
Church ministry is never dull, especially at St. Joan of Arc in April! Literally over 360 students and their families will have celebrated either First Communion or Confirmation here this month. If we were listed on the New York Stock Exchange, we could be called, Sacraments 'R' Us.
Do you ever wonder how so many students and families are prepared for these special sacramental milestones? One way to visualize this is to think of all the families, dedicated volunteers, staff and clergy as threads of a skillful weaving which becomes a beautiful tapestry.
Today I'd like to focus on the PSR staff members who behind the scenes are the strong threads that form this fabric for God's tapestry. Their contributions are special signs of God's presence among us.
Many of the colorful threads for the tapestry are the 350 + volunteers which are coordinated by director, Emily Winner along with top notch administrative staff; Mary Jo Newell, Judy Komenda, Cindy Guzak and dedicated coordinators; Jeanne Hayslip - preschool, Laura Sams - elementary, Susan Fox - middle school, and Michael Barone - high school youth group. This team is composed of 4 full time and 4 part time staff members. They weave prayer, education, community, and outreach together for the 1,800 + PSR (Parish School of Religion) children and their families to celebrate the sacraments and live their faith.
The visible thread that connects the weaving is obviously our ordained clergy; Pastor, Fr. Raymond Larussa, Associate Pastor, Fr. Jeffrey Tigyer, Weekend Celebrants; Emeritus Bishop James Griffin, Retired Founding Pastor George Schlegel, Deacons Tom Berg Sr., James Rouse, Michael Ross and Ben Muhlenkamp (deacon from the Josephinum who will be ordained in his home diocese soon). Their efforts are seamlessly supported by Eloise Carlet, sacristan coordinator and staff member, whose efforts ensure that everyone and everything is in place for each sacramental celebration. This is quite an amazing feat given the numerous events at St. Joan of Arc.
The finishing touch for this tapestry is God's love which binds us together. It encourages each of us to contribute to this tapestry by becoming active members. One great way to participate in this large parish is to join Growing In Faith Together (GIFT), small faith sharing communities, it helps make this large parish more personal. For more information please contact Pete Shears 614-888-1562 or Romy Riebe 614-885-9450.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
A busy few weeks...
This has been a busy few weeks for our music program. The Funeral for Captain Rozanski was followed up with two busy First Communion Masses (congratulations to the 222 children who received their First Holy Communion!).
This week, our music program says goodbye to a good friend in John Orban. John had been a member of the St. Joan of Arc Choir for many years. May his soul and all of the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of our God, rest in peace.
Tomorrow many choir members will gather to sing at John's Funeral Mass, please keep them, John, and his family in your prayers.
This weekend our parish celebrates the Sacrament of Confirmation. Our choir will be singing many of our Easter anthems at the Choral Mass for Confirmation which will be at 10am. This is an exciting time for our young people - keep them in your prayers.
This Sunday at the 9am Mass our Jr. Choristers Children's Choir sings their first Mass alone! This group of children in kindergarten through second grade are very excited to spread their vocal wings and sing without their older counterpart (The Choristers Children's Choir, grades 3-8). Come out and hear these young voices sing hymns of praise to Almighty God.
At the 10:45 Mass this weekend, our Handbell Choir will play their final Mass of the year (other than the Pentecost Outdoor Mass). The Bell Choir has come a long way this year and we are very hopeful for the future of our handbell program as it continues to expand and become more advanced.
At the 5:30pm Mass on Sunday evening, our choir will lead the music. This is the last 5:30pm Choral Mass of the year.
The following weekend (May 6th), our principal organist Val is away and I'll be playing at the full litany of Masses... and there's a concert Sunday evening. See the bulletin this Sunday for more exciting details as The Columbus International Children's Choir comes to St. Joan of Arc for their Spring Concert at 7pm on May 6th.
This week, our music program says goodbye to a good friend in John Orban. John had been a member of the St. Joan of Arc Choir for many years. May his soul and all of the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of our God, rest in peace.
Tomorrow many choir members will gather to sing at John's Funeral Mass, please keep them, John, and his family in your prayers.
This weekend our parish celebrates the Sacrament of Confirmation. Our choir will be singing many of our Easter anthems at the Choral Mass for Confirmation which will be at 10am. This is an exciting time for our young people - keep them in your prayers.
This Sunday at the 9am Mass our Jr. Choristers Children's Choir sings their first Mass alone! This group of children in kindergarten through second grade are very excited to spread their vocal wings and sing without their older counterpart (The Choristers Children's Choir, grades 3-8). Come out and hear these young voices sing hymns of praise to Almighty God.
At the 10:45 Mass this weekend, our Handbell Choir will play their final Mass of the year (other than the Pentecost Outdoor Mass). The Bell Choir has come a long way this year and we are very hopeful for the future of our handbell program as it continues to expand and become more advanced.
At the 5:30pm Mass on Sunday evening, our choir will lead the music. This is the last 5:30pm Choral Mass of the year.
The following weekend (May 6th), our principal organist Val is away and I'll be playing at the full litany of Masses... and there's a concert Sunday evening. See the bulletin this Sunday for more exciting details as The Columbus International Children's Choir comes to St. Joan of Arc for their Spring Concert at 7pm on May 6th.
Monday, April 23, 2012
A reminder that our Basics of Faith final class sessions continue today (Monday) and on Wednesday at 4:30 and 6:15. The classes are the same class, just offered at different times to suit your needs.
As our Easter Season moves on we should live this happy season out in a joyous fashion. Sometimes our lives are full of clutter; busy schedules, endless phone calls and texts. What better way to show God's love than by showing it to others in the way we live and respond to lives good and bad moments. Nothing better demonstrates our faith to others than how we live it.
Friday, April 20, 2012
A Grief Shared; Captain Nic Rozanski
Every now and then routine lives come to an abrupt halt when faced with the reality of the fragile nature of earthly existence.
For many those defining moments were Tuesday, April 17 and Wednesday, April 18, 2012. The community of St. Joan of Arc hosted the funeral of parishioner, 36 year old Capt. Nic Rozanski, who was killed by a suicide bomber in Afghanistan along with two other central Ohio soldiers.
The out pouring of love and support for his wife Jenny, their two young girls, his parents, in-laws, siblings, relatives and many friends was truly amazing. The expression of support was unwavering as visitors arrived for the calling hours which were scheduled from 2:00 - 8:00 pm on Tuesday April 17. The hundreds of people who waited hours in line to express their condolences did not cease until 10:15 pm.
A military detail kept vigil during the night with Captain Rozanski's body until the funeral Mass at 10:00 am on Wednesday.
On Wednesday, the day of the funeral, over 700 people filled the church. The numerous military dignitaries, enlisted soldiers, and countless civilian personnel joined Nic's family and friends for a ceremony of recognition which included presentation of Medals for Bravery in the line of duty. After the presentation everyone joined to celebrate Mass and offered prayers for Nic, his family & friends and those in service of their country. Beautiful, heart felt eulogies commemorated the life of a man whose passion, integrity, mischievous fun, dedicated service and great love off family and life brought joy to all those who were blessed to know him.
News helicopters hovered a respectful distance in the sky to film the procession to the cemetery. The funeral procession stretched for miles. The 285 cars with police escorts and freedom rider motorcyclists slowly passed a tribute by fire fighters and hundreds of students and people who paused from their work day to line the roads en route to the cemetery to bid farewell to this brave man.
The bright, sunny, unseasonably warm day was a sharp contrast to the deep sadness and sorrow that filled the hearts of those in attendance in the cemetery that day. Final tributes were expressed in prayer and actions; a sprinkling rite with holy water, an honor guard with a 21 gun salute, 4 mounted police officers with their horses leading a riderless horse as bag pipe players signaled the final farewell.
Nic's family and friends returned to St. Joan of Arc for a luncheon and an opportunity to share stories of this cherished man. The 240 guests dined on some of Nic's favorite foods donated by: White Castle- sliders, Babuska's perogies, Roosters assortment of chicken wings, Rusty Bucket torpedo subs, Vincenzo's calzones, Village Tavern chowder, plus Bier Stube & Tommy's pizza. The menu also included crispy baked chicken breasts, mac and cheese, kielbasa & sauerkraut, salsa & chips, salads, fruit and an endless, delicious assortment of desserts donated by both parish and military families.
The theme that connected all who were in some way involved; wether clergy, parish staff, volunteers, restaurants or people who lined the streets, everyone felt it was an honor to contribute some small part to provide tribute to our fallen soldiers and to support our military personnel and their families.
For many those defining moments were Tuesday, April 17 and Wednesday, April 18, 2012. The community of St. Joan of Arc hosted the funeral of parishioner, 36 year old Capt. Nic Rozanski, who was killed by a suicide bomber in Afghanistan along with two other central Ohio soldiers.
The out pouring of love and support for his wife Jenny, their two young girls, his parents, in-laws, siblings, relatives and many friends was truly amazing. The expression of support was unwavering as visitors arrived for the calling hours which were scheduled from 2:00 - 8:00 pm on Tuesday April 17. The hundreds of people who waited hours in line to express their condolences did not cease until 10:15 pm.
A military detail kept vigil during the night with Captain Rozanski's body until the funeral Mass at 10:00 am on Wednesday.
On Wednesday, the day of the funeral, over 700 people filled the church. The numerous military dignitaries, enlisted soldiers, and countless civilian personnel joined Nic's family and friends for a ceremony of recognition which included presentation of Medals for Bravery in the line of duty. After the presentation everyone joined to celebrate Mass and offered prayers for Nic, his family & friends and those in service of their country. Beautiful, heart felt eulogies commemorated the life of a man whose passion, integrity, mischievous fun, dedicated service and great love off family and life brought joy to all those who were blessed to know him.
News helicopters hovered a respectful distance in the sky to film the procession to the cemetery. The funeral procession stretched for miles. The 285 cars with police escorts and freedom rider motorcyclists slowly passed a tribute by fire fighters and hundreds of students and people who paused from their work day to line the roads en route to the cemetery to bid farewell to this brave man.
The bright, sunny, unseasonably warm day was a sharp contrast to the deep sadness and sorrow that filled the hearts of those in attendance in the cemetery that day. Final tributes were expressed in prayer and actions; a sprinkling rite with holy water, an honor guard with a 21 gun salute, 4 mounted police officers with their horses leading a riderless horse as bag pipe players signaled the final farewell.
Nic's family and friends returned to St. Joan of Arc for a luncheon and an opportunity to share stories of this cherished man. The 240 guests dined on some of Nic's favorite foods donated by: White Castle- sliders, Babuska's perogies, Roosters assortment of chicken wings, Rusty Bucket torpedo subs, Vincenzo's calzones, Village Tavern chowder, plus Bier Stube & Tommy's pizza. The menu also included crispy baked chicken breasts, mac and cheese, kielbasa & sauerkraut, salsa & chips, salads, fruit and an endless, delicious assortment of desserts donated by both parish and military families.
We do not understand why Captain Nic Rozanski's life was cut so short but, the impact of his 36 years will echo on into time by all who witnessed these powerfully moving events and for the selfless example he set. This terrible loss provided a glimpse of what it is to be a community (regardless of faith demonination) sharing gifts and talents to help begin to heal the broken body of Christ. We pray that God's peace and love comfort all those who grieve the loss of a loved one.
Captain Nicholas J. Rozanski died on Wednesday, April 4, 2012, supporting Operation Enduring Freedom in northern Afghanistan.
He was a member of the Ohio Army National Guard’s 37th Infantry Brigade Combat Team.
Nick, a graduate of Dublin Coffman High School and The Ohio State University, was an amazing father, husband, son, brother & friend to all who knew him.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Funeral for Captain Nicholas Rozanski
This morning we celebrated the Funeral Mass of Captain Nicholas Rozanski. I thank the numerous choir members who took time off of work to come and sing at the Mass, the additional singers who joined us from Holy Spirit (Whitehall) and St. Francis of Assisi (Victorian Village).
More information on Captain Nick can be found here.
Requiem Aeternam dona eis, Domine, et lux perpetuae luceat eis. Requiescant in pace. Amen.
Eternal rest, grant unto them O Lord him and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.
More information on Captain Nick can be found here.
Requiem Aeternam dona eis, Domine, et lux perpetuae luceat eis. Requiescant in pace. Amen.
Eternal rest, grant unto them O Lord him and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Basics of Faith Final Class
St Joan of Arc Basics of Faith final class will soon be upon us. You only need attend one of the following which are scheduled at different times for your convenience. This Sunday at 3:45 and Monday and Wednesday at 4:30 and 6:15. In our final session we will be discussing the Catholic Church in our modern times. Why is our Church growing when so many are not? What is behind the new agnsoticism and atheism and has it happened in the past? What is the role of the laity in our current times? Come and hear the Good News!
Friday, April 13, 2012
It is with great joy we celebrate all our new members who entered into full communion into the Catholic church at the Easter Vigil. Congratulations!
This year GIFT (Growing In Faith Together) small faith sharing communities would like to especially acknowledge members of our small communities who officially joined the Catholic Church this past weekend; Dreama Niesel (wife of Pastoral Facilitator Bill Niesel) and Georgie Hess (Co-Pastoral Facilitator).
Their faith journeys have been wonderful inspirations. Their joy and delight in achieving this faith milestone, is a living reminder of the countless graces and blessings available to each of us by participating in the life of the church.
We continue to pray for all our newly initiated members and look forward to growing in faith together.
This year GIFT (Growing In Faith Together) small faith sharing communities would like to especially acknowledge members of our small communities who officially joined the Catholic Church this past weekend; Dreama Niesel (wife of Pastoral Facilitator Bill Niesel) and Georgie Hess (Co-Pastoral Facilitator).
Their faith journeys have been wonderful inspirations. Their joy and delight in achieving this faith milestone, is a living reminder of the countless graces and blessings available to each of us by participating in the life of the church.
We continue to pray for all our newly initiated members and look forward to growing in faith together.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Holy Week Thanks
Many thanks to the choir, bell choir, cantors, accompanists, instrumentalists, children's choirs, St. Joan of Roc, and others for their assistance in making beautiful music during Holy Week. So much work goes into this week; and it seems to be over so very quickly.
As we continue to move through the Easter Season we will endeavor to keep the joy of the Risen Lord in our hearts and on our lips. This will culminate with our exciting outdoor Choral Mass on Pentecost Sunday at 12:30pm.
There will be no Choral Mass this weekend as I am on vacation (why am I updating this while I'm on vacation?). St. Joan of Roc will lead music during the Divine Mercy devotions and the 5:30pm Holy Mass on Sunday. I encourage you to go and pray for God's continued mercy to be shown to us in our lives.
As we continue to move through the Easter Season we will endeavor to keep the joy of the Risen Lord in our hearts and on our lips. This will culminate with our exciting outdoor Choral Mass on Pentecost Sunday at 12:30pm.
There will be no Choral Mass this weekend as I am on vacation (why am I updating this while I'm on vacation?). St. Joan of Roc will lead music during the Divine Mercy devotions and the 5:30pm Holy Mass on Sunday. I encourage you to go and pray for God's continued mercy to be shown to us in our lives.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Easter Joy
The Easter fire, rising up, dispelling the darkness of the night . . . and so it began . . . the fullness, the richness of the Easter Vigil is beyond words. And yet, the anticipation was captured in a sense, by one of the soon to be initiated RCIA individuals.
"I am so happy and proud to soon be a member of the Catholic Church with you"
The Church welcomes you with great joy!!!!!!!
Monday, April 9, 2012
Stewardship: The Church Is Mercy
In the long history of the Church; Divine Mercy Sunday is rather new. It revolves around the miraculous visions received by a Polish nun Sister Faustina during the 1930s. The messages revolved around Jesus' everlasting mercy. This is an important message in our modern world where some feel that their sins are too serious or out of control to either be stopped or forgiven. Jesus forgives all who truly repent and want to change their lives and help others.
Nearly one century ago, the British philosopher and Catholic thinker GK Chesterton stated that most who get caught up in pornography and sexual vice were lost souls looking for God but somehow in their loneliness took a terrible wrong turn and ended ip in a horrible place. Divine Mercy Sunday is especially relevant for these lost souls. If Chesterton noticed this sad fact one hundred years ago, one can only imagine how many more people are in need of help today.
St Jerome tells us that the only surviving Apostle Saint John, who lived to the ripe old age of one hundred, would often be carried by the faithful to various Early Church gatherings after his extended exile on the isle of Patmos. When the participants would run into perplexing disagrement, the suthor of the last Gospel and Book of Revelation would perk up and say,"Little children love one another." In miraculous fashion, agreement on those perplexing issues were resolved; something to think about this Divine Mercy Sunday.
Nearly one century ago, the British philosopher and Catholic thinker GK Chesterton stated that most who get caught up in pornography and sexual vice were lost souls looking for God but somehow in their loneliness took a terrible wrong turn and ended ip in a horrible place. Divine Mercy Sunday is especially relevant for these lost souls. If Chesterton noticed this sad fact one hundred years ago, one can only imagine how many more people are in need of help today.
St Jerome tells us that the only surviving Apostle Saint John, who lived to the ripe old age of one hundred, would often be carried by the faithful to various Early Church gatherings after his extended exile on the isle of Patmos. When the participants would run into perplexing disagrement, the suthor of the last Gospel and Book of Revelation would perk up and say,"Little children love one another." In miraculous fashion, agreement on those perplexing issues were resolved; something to think about this Divine Mercy Sunday.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Good Friday
Stations of the Cross will be prayed at St. Joan of Arc at 3pm, followed by a presentation on death by crucifixion.
The Solemn Liturgy of Good Friday will be celebrated at 7:30pm this evening.
The Solemn Liturgy of Good Friday will be celebrated at 7:30pm this evening.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
The Triduum begins tomorrow!
Tomorrow begins the Triduum, three days which unite all Catholics in our memory of Christ's life, death and resurrection. We invite you to join us at St. Joan of Arc for these wonderful Masses and liturgies.
Tomorrow evening (Thursday), we celebrate the Mass of our Lord's Supper at 7:30pm. This Choral Mass will be sung by our choir with Samuel Webbe's Agnus Dei and Ave Verum as centerpieces. We will also chant Pange Lingua as we process throughout the church and to the altar of repose. This beautiful chant will be sung in both English and Latin.
Friday evening, we gather to hear the Passion according to St. John, venerate the cross, and receive Holy Communion at 7:30pm. This Solemn Choral Service will be sung by our choir with Mozart's Ave Verum and many other choral masterpieces. The traditional hymn O Sacred Head Surrounded and Were You There will also be sung.
Saturday evening, after the fall of darkness, we will gather at 8:45pm to celebrate the Easter Vigil. This Solemn Choral Mass with chamber orchestra will feature many contemporary and traditional favorites.
Easter Sunday morning our 7:30am Mass in the church, 9:30 and 11:30 Masses in the Parish hall, and 5:30 Mass in the church will be sung by cantors. Some of our best cantors have signed up, despite singing at multiple other services throughout this week, to lead the congregation in song during this most triumphant Sunday. Let us raise our voices in a glad alleluia and sing Jesus Christ is Risen Today!
At our 9:30am Choral Mass on Easter Sunday, the choir will again be accompanied by a chamber orchestra and will repeat many of the beautiful choral pieces and hymn arrangements sung at the Easter Vigil.
At the 11:30am Mass in the church, St. Joan of Roc leads the congregation in many of today's best contemporary Catholic pieces.
This is a wonderful time for us to express our faith - show up every day and celebrate the greatest gift God could ever give to us: salvation.
Tomorrow evening (Thursday), we celebrate the Mass of our Lord's Supper at 7:30pm. This Choral Mass will be sung by our choir with Samuel Webbe's Agnus Dei and Ave Verum as centerpieces. We will also chant Pange Lingua as we process throughout the church and to the altar of repose. This beautiful chant will be sung in both English and Latin.
Friday evening, we gather to hear the Passion according to St. John, venerate the cross, and receive Holy Communion at 7:30pm. This Solemn Choral Service will be sung by our choir with Mozart's Ave Verum and many other choral masterpieces. The traditional hymn O Sacred Head Surrounded and Were You There will also be sung.
Saturday evening, after the fall of darkness, we will gather at 8:45pm to celebrate the Easter Vigil. This Solemn Choral Mass with chamber orchestra will feature many contemporary and traditional favorites.
Easter Sunday morning our 7:30am Mass in the church, 9:30 and 11:30 Masses in the Parish hall, and 5:30 Mass in the church will be sung by cantors. Some of our best cantors have signed up, despite singing at multiple other services throughout this week, to lead the congregation in song during this most triumphant Sunday. Let us raise our voices in a glad alleluia and sing Jesus Christ is Risen Today!
At our 9:30am Choral Mass on Easter Sunday, the choir will again be accompanied by a chamber orchestra and will repeat many of the beautiful choral pieces and hymn arrangements sung at the Easter Vigil.
At the 11:30am Mass in the church, St. Joan of Roc leads the congregation in many of today's best contemporary Catholic pieces.
This is a wonderful time for us to express our faith - show up every day and celebrate the greatest gift God could ever give to us: salvation.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Triduum and Easter Schedule
Holy Thursday, April 5
NO Morning Mass
Mass of the Lord’s Supper: 7:30
Good Friday, April 6
Morning Prayer: 8:30 a.m.
Stations of the Cross: 3:00 p.m.
Good Friday Liturgy: 7:30 p.m.
Holy Saturday, April 7
Morning Prayer: 8:30 a.m.
Easter Vigil Mass: 8:45 p.m.
(No 5:00 p.m. Mass)
Easter Sunday, April 8
Mass Schedule:
7:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
Monday, April 2, 2012
RCIA Retreat
RCIA gathered for an all day retreat Saturdayat the Josephinum in preparation for reception of the Sacraments of Initiation. They were joined by the RCIA group from St Margaret of Cortona.
It was a time for reflection as they spent time with the Beatitudes, led by Deacon Tom Berg Sr. and Pete Wisenberger. To come to appreciate the depth of the Beatitudes, as well as the countercultural dynamic was brought home through prayer, music, quite time and large group sharing.
Please keep them all in prayer as they come to the Easter Vigil!
It was a time for reflection as they spent time with the Beatitudes, led by Deacon Tom Berg Sr. and Pete Wisenberger. To come to appreciate the depth of the Beatitudes, as well as the countercultural dynamic was brought home through prayer, music, quite time and large group sharing.
Please keep them all in prayer as they come to the Easter Vigil!
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