Monday, January 23, 2012

What is Stewardship? – By David Hartline

We have all heard the term Stewardship, but what does it mean in a Catholic setting? Does it mean giving our fair share to the parish, does it mean giving of our time and talent to the parish? The answer is yes to all of these. The parish is an extension of your faith family. It is the gathering place for the faithful in a particular geographic area. It has been this way since the early days of the Catholic faith in the Roman Empire when the faith was by and large still illegal.

We are called to grow in our Catholic faith and help others do the same. We are called to help those in need. We are also called to help those who don’t share our faith but of whom we are to help grow and understand the message of Christ and His earthly universal Catholic Church. By doing so, we are answering Christ’s final earthy message to go out in the world and preach the Gospel wherever we may be.

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