Monday, January 30, 2012

2nd Round Of Basic Catholicism Classes Set To Begin in February

Our Basic Catholicism classes are off and running. Get ready for the next sessions which will begin at 2pm and 3:45pm Sunday february 12, 4:30pm an 6:15 pm Monday February 13 and 4:30pm and 6:15pm Wednesday February 15. This is a great way to learn about your Catholic faith, whatever your background and knowledge level may be.
We will cover such topics as the Church in the Dark Ages, the Church in the Renaissance, Church Art & Architecture, as well as the rise of Catholic institutions like Catholic hosptials and Catholic universities. In addition, we will also cover the period before, during and after the Protestant Reformation as well as well as the influence of the American and French Revolutions. The final class in April will cover roughly the period from 1800 to the current day.
As you can see we move at a fast pace. We had some great questions in the first session which should set a good tine for our next class. Again this is a great opportunity to learn about your faith. These times coincide with those of the Children's Religious Education classes. This should make it easy for parents to attend. However, we certainly hope to continue to have those from all age groups as we did in our first class. Again all are invited please consider attending and once again you only have to attend one of the various class times.

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