Saturday, May 5, 2012

Who do you serve?

Many thanks to the wonderful people who share their faith and life with each other. Your witness provides a glimpse of the face of Christ. These examples are played out each time someone shares a life experience and connects that with God's presence.

One example that comes to mind is the time Rose Rouse and Margaret Royce shared their outreach experiences serving at  J.0.I.N. (Joint Organization for Inner-city Needs) with their Tuesday morning GIFT community.   Through their enthusiasm they inspired others in our small community to visit and support the efforts of J.O.I.N. by bringing donations of supplies each week they meet. This small community has also made 'field trips' to J.O.I.N. to volunteer and learn more about the vital work being done to assist those in need.

There are many opportunities to serve God's people, sometimes it just takes one small step such as joining a small faith sharing community to get the journey started. Please contact Pete Shears 614-888-1562 or Romy Riebe 614-885-9450 to get more information about various Growing In Faith Together (GIFT) opportunities.

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