I just picked up our blue hymnal and opened it to a random page and looked at the hymn. #413 was the first page I saw, Gather and Remember, text by Owen Alstott. The hymn text written in 2001, not familiar to me at least, follows the traditional hymn method of using its last verse to praise the Holy Trinity.
Many hymns end this way - with praise to our God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The next time you open your hymnal check out the last verse of the hymn - does it include a reference to the Most Holy Trinity? If it does, then the writer of that hymn (whether it was written in 1500 or 2012) is following a tradition that spans many denominations, countries and styles of music.
This shows us how important our belief in the Trinity is and how important it is to praise our God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Come to Mass this Sunday and sing your faith - that God is one God, three persons.
O most holy Trinity,
Undivided Unity;
Holy God,
Mighty God,