This beautiful spring-like weather with so many trees and flowers beginning to bloom, is the perfect reminder of how our small faith sharing communities are blooming at St. Joan of Arc.
This past Saturday March 10, featured a Women's Breakfast with Fr. Larussa. It was initiated as a result Women's Conference and about 55 ladies attended.
The gathering began with Saturday morning Mass which included a lovely breakfast hosted and served by the participants of the Men's Conference. The theme of the morning was Pathways to Christ - Keeping Your "Soil" Fertile. Fr. Larussa shared the scripture reading from Mark 4:1-20; the Parable of the Sower. Each participant was given a hyachinth bulb planted in a container as a reminder to keep our spiritual soil culitvated with God's word and works. Many opportunities were shared to help faciliated our spiritual growth.
These opportunities include special Lenten experiences:
GIFT (Growing In Faith Together) Romy Riebe 614-885-9450
Lenten Longings, 6 sessions, begun on Mar. 6, Tuesday evenings 7:00-8:30 pm
Facilitated by Anne Benington, 614-764-0924
Mornings of Grace Book Club, My Life with the Saints, 5 sessions begun on Mar. 2, Friday Mornings 9:30-11:00 am Facilitated by Jennie Wallace
Burdens and Blessings Women's Prayer Group, meets, April 21, May 12, 26, June 2, 16
Saturdays 9:00 a.m.Facilitated Annie Dalby, spiritual director
Coming in the Fall 2012:
Women's Overnight Retreat Michelle Biagi 614-785-0709, Jean Supron 614-433-9815
Various Small Group Study Series:
~ Catholicism DVD Series
~ Together! Series (28 sessions) Eileen Huber 614-849-8827
~ Women of Grace (9 sessions) Jennie Wallace 614-430-8202 & Anne Benington 614-764-0924
Please watch bulletin for future details.
"And those are the ones on whom seed was sown on the good soil; and they hear the word and accept it and bear fruit thirty, sixty and a hundredfold." Mark 4:20
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