Friday, February 24, 2012

What will you ADD for Lent this year?

This first week of Lent began with the Ash Wednesday celebrations.

It always encouraging to see so many people attend this liturgy since it is not a Holy Day of obligation. It speaks to the connection we feel for our need to be present to receive our ashes and to begin Lent with sincere intentions for renewal.

The ashes remind us we are on this earth for a short time "Remember you are dust, from dust you came to dust you shall return". We need to make each day count as in "Repent! Turn away from sin and follow the gospel". 

In the scripture readings for this weekend Jesus spends 40 days in the desert to prepare for his mission. We are also invited to enter into these 40 days of prayer, fasting and alsmgiving to prepare for our life's mission. 

The following prayer was written by Jackie Witty from one of the Tuesday Morning GIFT communities. It captures the essence of why we journey into the desert.

Restless Soul by Jackie Witty I prayed for "A" incessantly,
For lacking it was tough;
But when I got a lot of "A"
It still was not enough.

So I pursued a different need.
And staunchly prayed for "B",
But when the gift of "B" appeared,
I really wanted "C".

Oh, help me Lord, relieve my wants,
And show me how to pray!
The Lord replied, "My dearest one,
There is another way."

Instead of "A" or "B" or "C"
To make your longings cease,
Draw near as possible to me
And I will give you peace.

St. Joan of Arc has many opportunities for Lenten enrichment, begin by
Joining us for the Lenten Parish Mission with Tom Booth this weekend.  First session is on Saturday 9:00-11:00 with a Morning of Reflection, discover some new opportunities for prayer and service. Please refer to the full schedule in the parish bulletin on line.

May this Lenten season, bring each of you His peace.

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